What It’ll Take to Get Me Behind the Wheel of an EV – Readers Weigh In

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After Chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s budget got a bit of heat for not really giving a leg up to EV sales, we asked folks who read The Independent what would make ’em ditch their gas guzzlers for an electric ride.

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The recent budget from Mr. Hunt didn’t throw in any sweet deals for private EV buyers—no slashing VAT on new EVs or cutting down VAT for public charging—despite what the folks making these cars were hoping for.

Car makers are worried. They say no perks mean a tough time meeting those tough goals in the Government’s zero-emission vehicle mandate.

Readers had a bunch of ideas on boosting the appeal of owning an EV—from a solid charging network to better battery life and not having to pay an arm and a leg to charge up in public.

Here’s the scoop from our readers:

A product that needs the Government (that’s our tax money, right?) to offer incentives to make it sell, well, that’s not exactly a vote of confidence in the product’s economics.

If I went out to buy an electric version of my current hatchback, I’d be paying £10000 more compared to the new petrol model. Plus, it’d cost more because electricity ain’t cheap, the range is way less, and it takes an age to charge up.

Car companies need to churn out EVs that can go toe-to-toe with current cars in terms of use and running costs. If they nail that, the market will naturally shift to the new tech.


We swapped our old petrol car for an EV after repair costs went through the roof.

It’s a smooth ride, and we mostly charge at home—like 95% of the time.

I’ve zipped to Cardiff and back without any fuss, just topping up during a quick break. Waiting for the tank to hit empty—that’s for petrol or diesel cars.


I’d love to see ‘EV only’ signs next to charging posts. I don’t have a driveway for a personal charger, and hunting for a charging spot not hogged by a petrol car is a pain. And hey, cheaper electricity wouldn’t hurt. My neighbourhood, Tower Hamlets, could really use more fast chargers. But other than that, EVs are top-notch!


I’m only jumping on the EV train if it can do what my current ride does, including the cost. I can get from London to Manchester and back on 6 gallons of diesel—no stops needed (400 miles). And refueling? That’s a 3-minute job at most. I’m not settling for less, especially when it’s not needed.


Sure, make electric cars better. That’s the real incentive. Don’t try to sweet-talk me with cash that should be helping hospitals, just ’cause I choose something that’s not up to snuff.


Electric cars? They’ve got issues with battery life that fluctuates with the weather, and batteries lose their mojo in ways petrol engines just don’t. The charging setup is a joke—too slow and not enough of it. I’m not waiting 45+ minutes sipping crummy coffee in a depressing café. Plus, an EV fire after a crash? Good luck putting that out.

Range anxiety’s real. Software glitches? Worrisome. And what about dead EV batteries, or the environmental toll of making more? We’re in the dark.

EVs lose value like crazy. Wouldn’t it be greener to keep my trusty old petrol car that gets a spin once a month instead of scrapping it for an EV?

The car industry’s pushing EVs to save their own skin, not the planet. If the government hands out EV subsidies, it’s just a pat on the back for city folks who want to look good.


(We’ve tweaked some comments for the article. Check out the full chat in the comments of the original piece.)

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