Scottish Mother Forced to Carry Disabled Daughter Daily Upstairs in Her Tiny Apartment

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A Scottish mother has resorted to carrying her disabled daughter up a flight of stairs every day as they await a new home. Lisa Waddell lives with her stepdaughter Kelsi Garrity, who has cerebral palsy, scoliosis (a curvature of the spine), a visual impairment, and chronic lung disease. Kelsi, 10, uses a wheelchair and is fed through a tube.

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Their two-bedroom upstairs flat in Galston, Ayrshire, is not only too small for the family of seven, but it’s also unsafe for Kelsi. Lisa has to carry her daughter up and down the stairs each day, risking injury and exposing her to the elements.

“Kelsi can’t walk at all, so we have to carry her,” Lisa told Glasgow Live. “This isn’t just a strain on her back, but when it rains, she’s at risk of catching infections because she gets wet.”

The family has been on East Ayrshire Council’s housing list since November 2021, seeking a ground-floor or accessible home with at least three bedrooms. However, despite their urgent needs, they are still waiting for a suitable offer.

“Kelsi’s situation is deteriorating, and she’s waiting for spinal surgery,” Lisa added. “She doesn’t get to use her standing frame at home because there’s no space. And we’re living in such a cramped environment that the house feels like a fishbowl.”

Currently, the hallway is packed with boxes of medical supplies, syringes, and feeding tubes for Kelsi, while Lisa sleeps in the living room with her one-year-old son. The family’s two bedrooms are shared by Lisa’s other children, and there is no room for necessary medical equipment.

“It’s not just hard on Kelsi; it’s affecting all of us,” Lisa explained. “The council knows our situation but doesn’t seem to be acting quickly enough. We need a safe space for Kelsi and the rest of our family.”

East Ayrshire Council confirmed they are working with the family to find suitable accommodation. A temporary solution was discussed, but it wasn’t deemed appropriate for Kelsi’s needs.

“The proposed temporary solution lacked a ramp, which would’ve defeated the purpose of moving,” Lisa said. “We’d prefer to stay in Galston because the kids are settled here.”

A spokeswoman for East Ayrshire Council said, “The family has been awarded the maximum number of Health and Disability Points for re-housing, but identifying a suitable property within a specific area is challenging. We’re continuing to work with the family to explore both temporary and permanent solutions.”

While the council continues its search for a suitable property, the Waddell family is left in limbo, struggling with a cramped living situation that poses significant risks to their daughter’s health.

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