Potential Blockage of Scottish Misogyny Law Plans Over Trans Women Protection

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The UK Government may block a new misogyny law in Scotland after it emerged that the legislation would protect men who identify as women.

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The proposed law, which is set to be debated in the Scottish Parliament, follows criticism that the controversial Hate Crime Act did not grant women protected status. However, a working group led by Baroness Helena Kennedy KC has recommended that the new law should not require a woman to prove her gender to report misogyny.

The report from the working group states that “trans women face misogyny as well as prejudice about their change of gender.” When questioned about this, Scotland’s First Minister Humza Yousaf indicated that trans women should also be able to report misogyny crimes.

The UK Government has confirmed that any new Scottish legislation would be carefully scrutinized and could be blocked if deemed incompatible with UK law. The potential for a blockade echoes the SNP’s controversial Gender Recognition Reform (GRR) Bill, which was halted by a Section 35 order from UK Government Secretary Alister Jack, effectively preventing it from receiving royal assent.

A source close to the UK Government commented, “Scottish Secretary Alister Jack has already blocked the GRR Bill and is prepared to do so again if the new misogyny law appears to undermine existing UK law. The Conservatives believe that the SNP’s gender policy is out of sync with public opinion, and there’s concern that Scottish legislation could weaken existing protections for women rather than strengthening them.”

Harry Potter author JK Rowling criticized Yousaf’s stance, stating, “Once again, Mr. Yousaf makes his absolute contempt for women and their rights clear. Women were excluded from his nonsensical hate crime law, and now he introduces a ‘misogyny law’ designed to also protect men.” Rowling added that “trans-identified men” who threaten women with violence would now receive double legal protection.

The final decision regarding the law’s compatibility with UK legislation remains pending, but if the UK Government finds grounds to block it, another conflict with the Scottish Government could be on the horizon. This development has raised significant concerns about the future of gender and misogyny-related laws in Scotland and across the UK.

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