Disney+ Plans to Implement Measures Against Password Sharing, Confirm Top Executives

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Disney+ plans to start cracking down on password sharing later this year, aiming to increase sign-ups and revenue for the streaming service.

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Bob Iger, Disney’s chief executive, revealed in a CNBC interview that the platform would begin addressing this issue in June in select countries, with a comprehensive rollout scheduled for September.

Password sharing, a common practice among users who share their login credentials with friends and family outside their household to access content without paying, affects many major streaming services despite being against their policies.

Speaking on the initiative to bolster the platform’s revenue, Mr. Iger mentioned Disney+ is preparing to embark on its “first real foray into password sharing” in June, believing this step will transform the service into a more profitable venture.

This move follows Netflix, another streaming behemoth, which recently attributed a surge in subscribers to its intensified measures against password sharing.

Following its crackdown, Netflix reported a significant increase in new sign-ups and a subsequent rise in revenue.

“Netflix is the gold standard in streaming,” Mr. Iger praised.

He admires Netflix for their outstanding achievements across various fronts, expressing high regard for their success. “If we can achieve what they’ve achieved, that would be fantastic.”

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